OHSAS 18001 : 2007

OHSAS 18001 : 2007

Over 6300 people die each day from work-related accidents or diseases that nearly 2.3million every year worldwide. The burden of occupational injuries and diseases is significant, both for employers and the wider economy, resulting in losses from early retirements, staff absence and rising insurance premiums.
OHSAS 18001 is the international Occupation Health and Safety Assessment Series specification that aims to control the potential hazards within an organization. It was formulated to help organizations for establishing occupational health and safety policies and objectives. A certified Occupational Health and Safety Management System demonstrate the conscious determination of the organization to safeguard the employees and the environment from harmful incidents. Implementation of OHSAS helps in augmenting a healthy and safe working environment, gaining competitive edge in the global market, promoting trust to the customers on compliance with regulatory requirements, reduction in the material loss caused by accidents and production interruption, reduction in the insurance costs as well as costs due to absence of employees.
The auditors have proven competence in the field and work with all sincerity and due professionalism.
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